Our Mission
Our mission is to develop cutting-edge solutions in AI and tech to empower under-served communities and propel all students forward.
Our Strategy
Our immediate strategy is to build intelligent tutoring systems for North Carolina’s elementary and middle schools. Our focus is on enhancing the interactions between students, teachers, and parents with educational technology by building robust conversational agents, curating comprehensive learner models, and constructing a platform that allows for efficient communication between all stakeholders. We will seek grant and philanthropic funding to support this development and will partner with educational content creators and schools to bring our product to the classroom.
Our Values
We strive to adhere to embody our five core values in all of our efforts:
Inspiring those around us, so they feel more capable and equipped for challenges and embrace the joy of learning.
Providing timely and novel experiences at the intersection of different subjects to prepare students for success in our interconnected, ever-changing world.
Fostering conversations with those we work with to ensure our solutions are a culmination of many different viewpoints and ideas.
Connecting with our stakeholders on a human level and listening to their unique stories to meet them where they are.
Striving to build up underserved communities by addressing the barriers they face and by discovering opportunities to best serve them.